Thursday, October 27, 2005


Yesterday a friend of mine called me.
She asked my opinion upon her problems...

Her: How do i endure that feeling- The urge feeling to call him?
Me: Is his influence really that big to you? Can you just shut your phone off and think about something else? Instead of wasting your money on something worthless? Is your life that dull, that you really need a spark? Do you believe that he’s going to be your savior?
Save you from harm, trouble? Don’t you think he’s only taking an advantage out of you?
Come on, it’s so him!

Look back,
See your dark moment back then, when you rolled every tears of pain …when you felt so empty…when you were alone…

Do you want to succumb to the lure of pain any more?

Her: yes i know...but this becomes stronger..
Me: What????
Her: yeah...
Me: Well...sorry i can't help have to solve it by yourself.. coz the answer is in your ego
Her:* smiled bitterly...*



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