I want to have a baby

It's been nearly 4 years and half since my last pregnancy. Now I don't know just how, I feel like to have a baby. To carry a life inside my body, to preserve the goodness. I just want to fall in love again, but this time with a pure soul like a baby. I just want to be occupied. I want to share my love to someone who's really pure heart, doesn't have any ulterior motive, doesn't take you for granted. Ahh, what am I talking about. Yeah I just ramble the thought that danced in my mind this morning. Hmmm...My moods really swing. I have to do something, what would that be?
Maybe erasing some expectations which bugged me most of these days. Do I need some pity from others? I don't know...Maybe I do...
I am just feeling bored...and the idea of having a baby just crossed my mind as a way out of these confusions. Arrrgh...Can't be like this all the time, I have to find the solution.
Sleeping all day?
Going out to places?
Have a decent conversation?
Erasing expectations?
Roaring my wishes to the sky?
Seems so damn boring, doesn't it?
Maybe I walked so fast that I start to expect the world should walk in the same rhythm.
Maybe I ate so quick that I felt hungry so quickly as well
Maybe I loved too much that I started to get hurt..
Shall we eat?
a Baby?hmmm maybe next year aja!:)
picture taken from getty images
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